Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplacable spark. In the hopeless swamps of the not quite, the not yet, and the not at all, do not let the hero in your soul perish and leave only frustration for the life you deserved, but never have been able to reach. The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Still havent found what Im looking for

Been really sick the past 7 days. I can safely say that it is almost entirely self inflicted, but not in the way you would think.
I have successfully stressed myself out to the point of no return.
But Im not going to do it to myself anymore. I want to be healthy and happy, Im tired of making excuses and being sad.
Work is just work, Im not going to let it affect the rest of my life anymore, I have too many important people in my life that deserve more of my time and attention.
So even though my new goal is to stop being so self absorbed, I have a photo challenge to catch up on.
Day #43: The weather outside

Day#44: A hobby of yours. Yoga.

Day #45: Your favourite candy. Toffee apple lollipops.

Day #46: Your favourite state. I dont have a favourite state of the country, but my favourite state of mind is calm :)

Day #47: A room in your house. My living room.

Day #48: Your best friend (I chose a few) Benny

Bianca and Danika

Charlie Bear

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